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January 2025 Newsletter

Happy New Year!
My Christmas tree is put away, and my lights are still hanging outside. I only have 340 days until I can turn them on again.
I have made my New Year’s Resolutions. I know it is dangerous to let others know of your plans, but I will risk it. Usually New Year’s Resolutions are about diet and exercise. I suppose I should follow the traditional pattern.
I, Marty Ludlum, being of sound mind and body, do resolve for 2025 to eat more pecan pie and smoke more cigars. I know this seems like a stretch, but with hard work, dedication, and your support, I am confident I can achieve these goals. Dream big.

Book Events
I have my first book signing event for 2025:
Please join me at BEST OF BOOKS, 1313 Danforth, EDMOND, OKLAHOMA, on SATURDAY, January 25 at noon-2:00pm. 
Yes, you can purchase books at the event. If you already have a book, stop by and I will sign it. Catch a selfie of us at the event!
AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID is available at Best of Books website (, Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, and everywhere you get books. Available in eBook, hard cover, soft cover, and now in audiobook. (If you listened to the audiobook, I’d love your feedback).
If you have a copy, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


Please, Please, Pretty Please write a review for Amazon. This makes an enormous difference. The review can be short. A sentence or two will suffice. I thank you in advance. Reviewers will get a sneak peek at the next Disco Divas novel.

The Disco Divas update
In the current release AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID, Detective Donna must save Las Vegas from a bomber who calls himself the Messenger. Can she catc
h him (if the Messenger is a ‘him’) before more devastation ensues? Can she protect the city? Can she protect the public? Can she find enough donuts in this town? All the answers are contained in the pages of AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID.

Is your book group reading AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID? Let me know. Maybe I can drop in a meeting!

Am I working on the next story of Donna and the Disco Divas? Of course.
In the next book, SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY, Donna is tasked with babysitting a politician’s kid, and everything goes wrong. The child is gone, along with Donna’s career prospects. Then, a ransom demand is made, and things get worse.


SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY is 95% complete, which according to my editors is “half-way.” SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY will be released in the spring or summer or fall of 2025, maybe to coincide with National Donut Week, if that is a thing. If not an official holiday, it should be. Perhaps I should add that to my New Year’s Resolutions?

I could use some beta readers for the second book. If you are interested, drop me an email.

I am thankful for your time. I will see you next month, if not before at book signing in your town.
Marty Ludlum


December, 2024

Big news

I have my first book signing events for AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID!

I am as shocked as anyone to be saying that.

Meet me at MASSAD’S GIFTS in LAWTON, OKLAHOMA, on SATURDAY, December 14 at 11:00am-3:00pm.


I will also be at MASSAD’S GIFTS in LAWTON, OKLAHOMA on THURSDAY, December 19 (3:00pm-7:00pm).


Massad’s Gifts is across from the Central Mall, 413 SW C Avenue, in Lawton. While you are there getting your book(s) signed, check out their excellent line of discerning gifts for everyone on your list. I can’t wait to complete my shopping list there. It’s not Christmas until you’ve shopped at Massad’s.

Yes, you can purchase books at the event.

If you already have a book, stop by and I will sign it. That will be your excuse to stop and shop at Massad’s Gifts. Catch a selfie of us at the event!

AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID is available at Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, and everywhere you get books. Available in eBook, hard cover, soft cover, and now in audiobook. (If you have heard the audiobook, I’d love your feedback).

If you have a copy, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Please, Please, Pretty Please write a review for Amazon. This makes an enormous difference. The review can be short. A sentence or two will suffice. I thank you in advance. Reviewers will get a sneak peek at the next Disco Divas novel.

The Real World

I hope everyone had a fun Thanksgiving. Any holiday that is all about eating will appeal to Detective Donna and her readers. If I did my calorie counting correctly, I do not have to eat again until mid-February.

My Christmas lights are up, my tree is up and decorated, and I have not a single package underneath. Uh-oh. I am way behind on my shopping. Maybe I can complete the task at Massad’s Gifts. Did I mention I am having two book events there? I am still in shock.

The Disco Divas update

In the current release AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID, Detective Donna must save Las Vegas from the clutches of the evil Messenger. Can she catch him (if the Messenger is a ‘him’) before more devastation ensues? Can she protect the city? Can she protect the public? Can she find enough donuts in this town? All the answers are contained in the pages of AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID.

Am I working on the next story of Donna and the Disco Divas? Of course.

In the next book, SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY, Donna is tasked with babysitting a politician’s kid, and everything goes wrong. The child is missing, along with Donna’s career prospects until a ransom demand is made. Then things get worse.

SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY is 95% complete, which according to my editors is “half-way.” SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY will be released in 2025.

I am thankful for your time. I will see you next month, if not before at book signing in your town.

Marty Ludlum

November 2024

Mid-November Update:

AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID was featured on the WriterCon Podcast, episode 176, "Disco and Danger with Marty Ludlum." Give it a listen!

​​Big news

AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID has been released.

Available at Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, and everywhere you get books. Available in eBook, hard cover, and soft cover.

If you have a copy, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Please, Please, Pretty Please write a review for Amazon. This makes an enormous difference for potential readers and for options to advertise with Amazon. The review does not need to be long. A sentence or two will suffice. I thank you in advance. Reviewers will get a sneak peek at the next Disco Divas novel.

The Real World

I hope everyone had a fun Halloween. We are a neighborhood fav, offering full size candy bars. Two hundred full sized bars lasted a little over 90 minutes. Kids have a secret network to communicate who has the best candy. Don’t you remember Halloween?

We just had an election. Not going to talk about it. Nope, nope, nope. The only thing everyone can agree on: At least all of the political ads have stopped.

Back to Halloween, I forgot to mention that my grandkids dressed as Sonic the Hedgehog (5 year old), Superman (one year old), and world’s shortest Snow White (five months old). Too cute for words.

The Disco Divas update

In the current release AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID, Detective Donna must save Las Vegas from the clutches of the evil Messenger. Can she catch him (if the Messenger is a ‘him’) before more devastation ensues? Can she protect the city? Can she protect the public? Can she find enough donuts in this town? All the answers are contained in the pages of AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID.

Want a signed copy? I would be honored. Please do not send me books by mail. I have a recurring nightmare that my yard was covered in a mountain of books, and all were ruined by a massive rainstorm and flood.

Is that a strange nightmare? A little quirky? My mind wanders into very dystopian territory.

If you are interested in a signed copy, email me, and let me know where you are. I am trying to assemble a book tour. It is much like herding cats. I will let everyone know the dates and locations once definite.

Am I working on the next story of Donna and the Disco Divas? Of course.

In the next book, SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY, Donna is tasked with babysitting a politician’s kid, and everything goes wrong. The child is missing, along with Donna’s career prospects until a ransom demand is made. Then things get worse.

SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY is 75% complete, which according to my college students should justify an A grade. SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY will be released in 2025.

I am thankful for your time. I will see you next month, if not before at book signing in your town.

Marty Ludlum

October, 2024



Babylon Books, my publisher has indicated my first novel, AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID should be released within a month.  I'm so excited I can hardly stand it.

So what's my story about?

AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID introduces Donna Summer Wyznecki, our heroine, a new detective with Las Vegas Police.  
Donna is thrust into action when a bomb explodes while she innocently waits in her bank's lobby. Who would do such a thing? And why? Detective Donna and her team of female officers, the Disco Divas, must find the bomber and stop him before there is more carnage. When the bomber, who identifies himself as The Messenger, starts stalking Donna, it gets personal.

So what genre is AT FIRST I WAS AFRAID?

I would describe it as wonderful, if that's a genre (a little humor there). When talking about the novel with my publisher and editor, William Bernhardt and Laura Bernhardt (both accomplished novelists) they suggested describing my book as a "cozy mystery." 

I was stunned. I wasn't terribly sure what a cozy mystery entailed. When I thought of cozy mysteries, I envisioned Jessica Fletcher solving crimes and baking scones at her bed and breakfast (wasn't it at Cabot Cove or Crabapple Cove? One of the Coves.). I learned that cozy mystery encompasses much more.

A cozy mystery is a novel that has a mystery (of course) to be solved by an amateur sleuth (Jessica Fletcher) or a professional detective (my Detective Donna) and has no foul language (that describes my book). In addition, a cozy mystery does not have gratuitous violence or explicit sex (both describe my book). My novel fits perfectly in that definition.

Now that I better understand the genre, I am proud to call my book a cozy mystery.

I hope you will enjoy this book, and the future ones in the series. Book two is nearly complete so it will be released some time in 2025.

Charity Auction - October, 2024

Name a character in my next novel, and support a worthy charity at the same time! Check out the auction:

The auction will begin this Friday the 18th at 1pm ET and end on Oct 20th at 11:30pm.

September, 2024

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to my Newsletter. 

I am so glad that you could join me on this grand adventure. The book is soon to be released, and as a newsletter recipient, you will be notified first. Let's start with the basics. What's going on in your story?

My hero is a female detective set in today's Las Vegas, Nevada. The story revolves around Donna Summer Wyznecki, and yes, she is named after the disco queen. All kids in the Wyznecki family are named after disco icons. Dad loves disco. As the first novel starts, Donna has just been promoted from officer to Detective, a serious accomplishment for any woman, especially an undersized one. Donna stands five feet nothing (almost) and tips the scales at about 96 pounds. She's a tiny woman.

To make up for her small stature, she has an abundance of confidence and enough poise to speak her mind. Donna doesn't take crap from anyone, and she hates bullies. On a personal level, Donna has a metabolism issue which requires her to eat constantly. She has the appetite of a high school boys' basketball team, but never gains weight. (Don't hate her too much).

While solving all the crimes that her male counterparts cannot, Donna works with an all female team, designated as the Disco Divas. (I'll tell you about how the name originated a little later). Of course, Donna also works with some male LVPD officers, and since the stories are set in Las Vegas, there is an eclectic set of supporting characters that could only exist in Vegas, including a seven-foot tall former pro basketball player, a part-time psychic, a Shirley Temple look alike, and Raincoat Ronnie, Donna's homeless informant. They make for quite a group.

And since the story occurs in modern Las Vegas, there are celebrities, dignitaries, royalty, trendy bars and obscenely expensive restaurants, outlandish stores, so many tourists. Far too many. But that's what makes it fun.

The uniqueness of Las Vegas adds to the complexity of Donna's cases. But Donna is ready. Ready to solve crimes, ready to break hearts, ready to protect those she loves, and ready to attack any tray of donuts or platter of tacos. Donna does what she wants, says what she wants, and eats what she wants. I hope you will join me in living vicariously through her.

Let us raise our donuts in the air and proclaim, All for one and one donut for everybody, or whatever that Three Musketeers thing was. Great. Now I'm hungry for a candy bar. If you enjoy a good cozy mystery with some laugh out loud humor, you will love the Disco Divas series. This is going to be fun. I promise.


Marty Ludlum

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